Won the Global Top10 Innovator at the 2022 CapitaLand Sustainability X Challenge (CSXC)

On April 29, Passive Edge Tech won the Global Top10 Innovator at the 2022 CapitaLand Sustainability X Challenge (CSXC) held in Singapore.

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CSXC is the first global sustainability innovation challenge by a Singapore-based real estate company.The competition aims to seek global innovations in how buildings are designed, constructed, and operated to improve the climate resilience and resource efficiency of buildings. We need collective action from real estate developers, enterprises, government, and society to develop ground-breaking solutions for waste reduction, energy and water efficiency improvements, and healthy and safe buildings. 340 scientific and technological teams from around the world participated in this competition. The competition evaluates selected high-potential startups based on impact, potential outcomes, and depth of innovation. After various selections, Passive Edge Tech stood out and won the honor of the "2022 CapitaLand Sustainability X Challenge Top10 Innovator". This is a recognition of Passive Edge Tech's outstanding achievements in Energy Storage and Temperature Control Technology. CSXC 2022 Demo Day will be held online at 2:30 PM on July 20th, and you are invited to watch the demo to learn more about our innovative solutions and the impact we will have on the environment of the future!


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Passive Edge Tech

EDGE Intelligent Thermal Control and Storage System (TCSS) by Passive Edge Tech Ltd.EDGE TCSS is an innovative solution to keep the indoor temperature in a comfortable zone without energy consumption. EDGE TCSS utilizes a thermal battery made of phase-change material and artificial intelligence energy control technology to cut down energy consumption and carbon emission in the HVAC system. There are two different ways of integrating thermal energy storage in buildings.It can be incorporated inside walls and automatically keep a building cool or warm depending on the ambient temperature. It works like putting on a space suit that could automatically control the temperature of the building. The other can be connected to a building’s heat pump or traditional HVAC system that storing off-peak power can help store heat, save consumers money and provides more flexibility to integrate a high share of renewable energy. The cloud based intelligent controlling system could foresee energy demand by climate and HVAC running history and run the TCSS meet comfort and energy-saving need.

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